Saturday 7 February 2015

Right's of women's

                                      Right's of women's                                 
education is for all human beings. It is  the fact that in our area Balochistan. Women are not given valve why?
Because they think women don't have rights to get education but what i Believe without women a nation is incomplete . I think women should be given there rights if you have a glance to other countries men and women are working shoulder to shoulder like U.S.A, Japan, China, the right of men and women are equal this is the fact. The are on the moon but we are still crowing on the earth women have rights to do every thing there are not less then anyone women are tend to be the second person whose role is needed in developing a any kind of nation not just education in every field right of women should be given their own right leave those mind behind who think that women should set at home and be house wife it's the time to show the nation they also can fulfill there uishion. It is said a plant can't grow without water as the some a nation can't develop without women education. If you give me one educated mother, I will gibe you a educated nation it you love your nation let females to get education.
                                                                             Sir Irfan GR form C.E.L.C

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