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Monday 16 February 2015

Almighty Allah

       Almighty Allah      
look around you, what do you see.
Everything created by almighty Allah.
From the elephant to the bee.
form a small plant to the biggest tree.
He has created each and everything.
The dead things and the birds that sing.
He has created so many things for us.
but on his earth we only creat fuss.
We consider him and life as a game.
All we care of is our own fame.
This worldly life will soon be left behind.
and hell is the only thing we will find.
thank Allah, whenever you can as hell will not see a single fan.
                                                                                       Written by khadija kurd.

Saturday 14 February 2015

All living things need air to live.

                                            All living things need air to live.
Air around us cannot be seen but we know it is there. Air contains many particles so small that they cannot be seen easily. air contain smoke, dust and bits of ash. Air also contains gases all living things need air to live. Air contains water vapor' which is actually water turned in to gas! when water boils changes in to water vapor. when wet clothes are put out to dry the water in them goes into the air. That is why the clothes become dry. some gases that enter air are poisonous they make the air impure. They can be very harm full. When a volcano erupts smoke ash' and gases escape of cause pollution in the air. We can fell moving air. When we run we fell the air pushing against our face and body. If you wave your hands up and down you will feel the air.....

Tuesday 10 February 2015


In today's world computer is the most useful thing for  students. Students can learn most of things by computer like books, topic,newspaper.and of the educational resources by computers.It is useful for for business deals. the students who want to learn businesses, then they must have the knowledge of computer. We can get any type of information from the computer.
                                                               Written by Irfan Ellahi for C.E.L.C

Saturday 7 February 2015

Allah is the one.

 Allah is the one.
Allah is the one.
Who make this world 
Allah is the one
Who happy all one 
Allah is the one
Who sad all one 
Allah is the one 
who die every one
Written by: Samrana LA form C.E.L.C

Right's of women's

                                      Right's of women's                                 
education is for all human beings. It is  the fact that in our area Balochistan. Women are not given valve why?
Because they think women don't have rights to get education but what i Believe without women a nation is incomplete . I think women should be given there rights if you have a glance to other countries men and women are working shoulder to shoulder like U.S.A, Japan, China, the right of men and women are equal this is the fact. The are on the moon but we are still crowing on the earth women have rights to do every thing there are not less then anyone women are tend to be the second person whose role is needed in developing a any kind of nation not just education in every field right of women should be given their own right leave those mind behind who think that women should set at home and be house wife it's the time to show the nation they also can fulfill there uishion. It is said a plant can't grow without water as the some a nation can't develop without women education. If you give me one educated mother, I will gibe you a educated nation it you love your nation let females to get education.
                                                                             Sir Irfan GR form C.E.L.C

Have you seen cloud moving across the sky?

    Have you seen cloud moving across the sky?
They are blown by the wind.
Wind is moving air wind blows in differnent directions and at different speeds
. + lot air is lighter than cold air.
This is why smoke always rises.
This is reason. 
Why not air balloons can rise high in the sky.
                   Write by Sheraz Dilpul from C.E.L.C

Wednesday 4 February 2015


                                    BEEFY AND ME
We are going to study about space today. so all of you take out your books and start reading the chapter; said Mrs. William our science teacher, as she started the class. Space was my favorite topic so I loved reading about it. After reading the chapter we had a lengthy and great discussion on space and planets other then earth. When it was time for the day and bell rang, Mrs. William said; you are all supposed to make two drawings related to space as your homework. I grabbed my beg and rushed outside. My school was not far from the home so I always walked to and from the school, on my way, I felt something under my foot, it was hard and thin. I looked down and found a pencil, a very different one. It was bluish white and very fascinating one ‘I have not seen this type of pencil before, I whispered to myself and quickly put it in my pocket. When I entered the house I found no one at I threw my bag  in a corner and took off my shoes. When I entered in the kitchen I saw a note on the refrigerator which read “dear sam I am going for some urgent work. I will be bake soon. your lunch is in the fridge. I want you to be asleep when I return. Love mom’’
I grumbled “that’s not fair however , I reluctantly took my lunch out of the fridge, I heated it in the micro wave oven and took it to my room. After finishing the meal, I left the plate on the side table and lay on my bed  but I was sleepless. Then I remembered my homework and jumped out of the bed, took my note book, a pencil and some colours. I decided to make two things a spaceship and an alien. I started drawing. After some time when both were ready, they looked so awesome. I myself was shocked by see the drawing. But as I was now very tried and sleepy. I feel a asleep quickly. soon I began to hear strange noises. I woke up with a start. I quickly get out of my bed and looked around, there was nothing unusual. However, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I was so frightened that I could not even shout. When I gathered my strength and turned around. to see who it was, my eyes opened wide and my jaws dropped at the sight of Aaah, I shouted like mad. “Who are you? Get away from me ’’ I jumped back seeing a tall, green creature with two antennas on his head. “Calm down, I won’t do hurt you. I am a friendly alien ’’he replied. “Alien, but aliens don’t exist. That‘s what I have always heard “no, I am really an alien and I have come to be friend with you. “be friend with me why? Where is my mom? Has my dad reach home? How could you come hear did you kidnap my parents?  I fried a chain of question in front of the green alien. oh you are too inquisitive, aren’t you? Your mom and dad are not home yet. And I am here to offer a ride with me to my world because I know you love spaces. I am the same alien that you draw in your notebook. And the pencil you found its mine’’ by the way I also draw a spaceship. Is it also there? How we are going to get there and will I be back home again? I was confused, yeah the space ship is here’’ he clapped and the spaceship landed in our garden it was exactly like the one in my drawing book. The alien assured me that he would bring me back home before my parents’ arrival. After we sat in spaceship the alien said, sorry I didn’t introduce myself, I am beefy.’’ During the journey he told me about his home, parents and the world he came from. And in the way I saw the sun, planets, stars and everything on space it was stunning. The space ship finally landed to a planet called aliena, beefy introduced me to other green aliens; and all they were very friendly. There were strange colorful illuminated houses, colorful and all unusual animals. After spending a lot of time around the strange looking building on the planet beefy said, “this is the time to go home, sam, I set again in the spaceship, but alone this time. I was sad when the spaceship took off and just I still had beefy’s pencil with me. Beefy, beefy, beefy what I do with this pencil. I shouted is loud as I could but beefy wasn’t able to listen me. I shouted even louder this time,beeeeefy. Sam, sam, sam, wake up a familiar voice woke me up. I opened my eyes. Honey come on get up now, “said mom mom, where is beefy? I ask innocently. Beefy,oh sam you must have been dreaming, now come on quickly get up, your dad and I have a surprise for you in the lounge. I looked around the room and then I wondered, ‘so it just a dream more like an adventure that can’t forget my whole life. Then I went in lounge with the broken heart. I saw that my parents have bought me a gift. I quickly opened it and couldn’t stop myself from hugging it. It was a green alien stuff toy with two antennas on its head, just like beefy.
                                               Sir Salman GR C.E.L.C Teacher

                                   DID YOU ENJOY IT ?

Our teachers

                                                                          We believe in new change..           From C.E.L.C

Education system.

                                Education system.
Education is a sensitive institution. It is one of the Key infrastructures upon which the edifice of our society is erected. it is important in the modern age of science and technology. Without education no state in the world can make worth while progress as the economy of any state is linked with as the economy of any state is linked with it. There can never be tow opinions about importance of education in shaping the societies, Where there is education, there is an ideal society, when we are entering the 21st century, is importance has increased manifold. the whole world is parcel for each other. Democracy cannot flourish without literacy.It is the only way to stand with the other developed nations of the world..
                                                                                                                       Adeela GMQ

Tuesday 3 February 2015

The movement of the moon

                                               The movement of the moon
The moon spins on its axis, just like our earth. It also goes round the earth, taking around 29 days to complete one circle. The shape of the moon in the night sky keeps changing. This is because as the moon circle the Earth, only that part on which sunlight is falling is visible to us. The moon rotates on its axis in almost the same time it takes to orbit the earth. This is way we always see the same face of the moon from the Earth, There is on air there. There is also very little water on the moon, The moon has no light of its own. The light we see on the moon is the light of the sun that falls on it.
Landing on the moon,
In 1969, an American called Neil Armstrong was the moon.
To get into space a rocker has to get about the air. As there is no air in space, astronauts have to wear spacesuits with Oxygen in side.
                                                                                     Adeela G*M   From C.E.L.C


How to improve your English speaking skills

Monday 2 February 2015

Aalo kchalo mian


The ghost

                                                                   The Ghost
"boo , said the ghost?
But it really didn't scare'
Cause i couldn't take my eyes off his vivid ginger hair.
It is really not the same' if head to toe's not work when they try to spook and fright.
But he tried and tried and  tried.
Even though the cause was lost, and he even sprayed it silver, like a pumpkin tinged with frost.
But i suppose i shouldn't laugh.
As he puffs and sighs and muons. so i told him what to do.....a white wig he now owns!
                                                                                                      Write by Ziareena GM

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