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Friday 30 January 2015

Ten little Dinosaurs

Next poem with video..
Ten Little Dinosaurs
Ten little dinosaurs, ten little dinosaurs,
Ten little dinosaurs, ten little dinosaurs,
One little, two little, three little dinosaurs,
Four little, five little, six little dinosaurs,
Seven little, eight little, nine little dinosaurs,
Ten little dinosaur babies.
Ten little, nine little, eight little dinosaurs,
Seven little, six little , five little dinosaurs.
Four little, three little, two little dinosaurs,
Ane little dinosaur baby.
Ten little dinosaurs, ten little dinosaurs,
Ten little dinosaurs, ten little dinosaur babies.

   We believe in new change........C.E.L.C

ABC poem

ABC poem with video..
A   B   C    D    E    F    G
H   I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P
Q   R    S    T    U    V
W   X   Y   and   Z.
Now I know my ABCs.
Next time won’t you sing with me
 We believe in new change... C.E.L.C


                            CHIRAGH ENGLISH LANGUAGE CENTER
Day-o I say day-o
Day-o! I say day-o
Daylight’s coming, and I want to go home
Day-o! I say day-o
Daylight’s coming, and I want to go home
Work all night ‘til the morning comes.
Daylight’s coming, and I want to go home.
Stack bananas ‘til the morning comes.
Daylight’s coming, and I want to go home.
Come Mister Tally Man, tally my bananas.
Daylight’s coming, and I want to go home.
Come Mister Tally Man, tally my bananas.
Daylight’s coming, and I want to go home.
Day-o! I say day-o!
Daylight’s coming, and I want to go home.
Day-o! I say day-o!
Daylight’s coming, and I want to go home.
A beautiful bunch of ripe bananas.
Daylight’s coming, and I want to go home.
Six-hand, seven-hand, eight-hand bunch.
Daylight’s coming, and I want to go home.
Come Mister Tally man, tally my bananas.
Daylight’s coming, and I want to go home.
Day-o! I say day –o!
Daylight’s coming, and I want to go home.
Day-o! I say day-o!
Daylight’s coming, and I want to go home.
Day-o! I say day-o!
Daylight’s coming, and I want to go home.
Day-o! I say day-o!
Daylight’s coming, and I want to go home.
Now it’s time to rise and shine,
Brush my teeth, and tie my shoes.
The day has come: it’s time to run.

Hug the day and meet the sun.
We believe in new change...C.E.L.C

John Steinbeck Biography

                                                   John Steinbeck Biography
John Steinbeck was born or 1902. He was on american writer best known for his novels. His most famous works include of Mice and men, The grades of wrath and east of Eden. He was also awarded the Nobel Brize for literature in 1962. Steinbeck studied at Salinas High School and then went to Stanford university in Palo Alto, Despite staying there for five years, he left without a degree, In 1925, he left university and sought to establish himself as a write in New York, 1928, he returned to California where he got a job as a caretaker in Tahoe city however, after a few years Steinbeck received some Financial suffocate From his father. He married in 1930  With Caro Henning. And then 1942 he divorced his first wife and remarried Gwndolyn, they had one child - John Steinbeck,And then again Steinbeck remarried for the third time in 1950, He had wrote many famous books and  novels like the Grades of wrath, Tortilla flat, Cub of Gold and Morover, In 1962, he was awarded the Nobel prize for Literature and after 1962 he did not write more, until his death in 1968.  
                                                          Written by Sanam Imambux From C.E.L.C

ABC poem

Bibi Naz Baloch Little Girl English Song

Bibi Naz Baloch Little Girl English Song

The Beauty of Birds


  The scientists have counted about 8500 different birds species in world. The are quite different from each other in size and shape. Some of them stay easily in the air likely some of the birds swim in water and some of them stay on the trees.specially some kind of birds have different misical sound. the sound of birds are generally pleasant to hear further, it is good and pleaasend for us to get up early in the morning and listen the sweet songs of birds. Furthermore, mostly people use to keep bird as pets to their homes. and pets birds are sign of helping or supporting hands of man last but not least Many birds f\were used to carry massages from one place to another.
                                                                                                                                   Written by Fozia Quomi from C.E.L.C

Thursday 29 January 2015

My Body

                                                                                     I love you C.E.L.C

A book is a marical thing

                                                                                                    C.E.L.C   I love to read.

If you can't fly then run

                                                                                                  I love to read.  C.E.L.C

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Just smile

                                                            C.E.L.C Teachers       

Don't underestimate me.

                                                      I love to read. C.E.L.C

What listeners do

                                                                             Sir Imran GR

Classroom rules

                                                      Sir Irfan GR C.E.L.C

Before you speak

                                     Sir Imran GR C.E.L.C

Rounding Rules!

                                            I love to read. C.E.L.C

Fall has wind.

                                                              I love to read. C.E.L.C

Saying about education.

                                    saying about education'';

1;''' Education is that thing make you success in                     every were''''.  
2;'''You can improve your self education will be                     there,''''

3;''' Education is most power full source to face                   the changes of life.'''

4;'''' By education in your on value  you get job.'''                                   
5;'''' Sacrifice every thing but get your education                     has to be far.'''

6;'''' You get education you save your nation.''''' 

7;''' Education is not getting job education is                           developing your self.'''

8;''' Education is the first step of life and education               is the light to bright''

9;'''' Education is the life of great inventions.'''

10;''' Education is the improvement of life.''' 
                        We believe in new change C.E.L.C


                                                                                                 I love to read C.E.L.C

I love you.

I love you...

One One Two Chiragh I love you......
Two Two Four give me more.....
Three Three Six knowledge pix.....
Four Tour Eight Teacher are grate......
Five Five ten student are my friends ... 


You are good

                                                                          I love to read C.E.L.C

Education is the most powerful weapon


Tuesday 27 January 2015

What are some of the rights given to women in Islam?

The Qur'an places men and women on a similar relationship before God, and promises both the final goal of paradise for those who believe and do right (see Qur'an 3:195; 4:124; 16:19; 40:40). The Qur'an also speaks of similarity in terms of creation. God tells us that He created a single soul and from it its mate, then He made countless men and women from those two (see Qur'an 4:1) The Qur'an does not contain the belief that the man alone is created in the image of God. Because of this fundamental similarity between men and women, the Qur'an declares that women have rights similar to the rights against them according to what is equitable (see Qur'an 2:228).

In a time when women were devalued and female infants were buried alive, the Qur'an raised the value of women and prohibited female infanticide. Due to the Qur'an, this practice was abolished, but in recent times advances in the science of genetic selection has encouraged some unbelievers to practice a modern form of female infanticide.

The Qur'an also abolished the practice whereby inheritance went to only the oldest male heir. Instead, a woman can inherit from her father, her husband, and her childless brother (see Qur'an 4:7, 32, 176).

In Islam when a woman gets married she does not surrender her maiden name, but maintains her distinct identity. Some Muslim women have adopted the surnames of their husbands, but this is due to cultural influence, not Islam.

In a Muslim marriage the groom gives a dowry to the bride, not to her father. This becomes her private property to keep or spend, and is not subject to the dictates of her male relatives. Any money she earns or receives is similarly her very own.

Under Islamic Law a woman cannot be married without her consent. She has final approval on a marriage partner and she can repudiate a marriage arranged without her consent. She also has the right to initiate a separation from marriage if her rights under marriage are not being granted. Widows have the right to remarry, and they are in fact encouraged to do so.

The Qur'an places on men the responsibility of protecting and maintaining their female relatives. This relieves women of the need to earn their own living. It also means that a man must provide for his wife even if she has money of her own. She is not obligated to spend her money in the maintenance of her family. Incidentally, a woman is also not required to cook for her family, although she may do so out of love and compassion. The example of our noble prophet, on whom be peace, is that although he was such a great leader, he assisted in the housecleaning and mended his own clothes.

In return for the added responsibility, the Qur'an gives men the degree of leadership (see Qur'an 2:228; 4:34). This does not mean that men should dominate women, but rather that they should deal with them in kindness, mercy, and love (see Qur'an 4:19; 30:21).

After the rain

 AFTER THE RAIN in balochistan
Drip, drip, drip from the twigs and the leaves, 
Drop, drop, drop from the drain-pipe and the eaves,
Plip, plip, plip making dimples in the sand, 
Plap, plap, plap in the palm of my hand. 
Driplets on the petal tips, 
Droplets on the grass, 
A-glistening in the sunlight 
When the rain cloud has passed.  
I love to read.....Sir Imran GR C.E.L.C

your luck is in your hands

                       Your luck is in your Hands
Every night when Razya met her friends, they had a new story to tell her. Razya was a talented girl, but was born in a poor family. her father worked as a government servant in date farm and his salary hardly fulfilled their daily needs.
All her friend would go to the English language center, but she could not afford it. Whenever she met her friends, she felt proud of them. She was topper of her school but her English was weak and she wanted to improve it.
However she never felt disheartened and had firmed believe that one day her dream would take a concrete shape.
Days and years passed quickly and at last Razya topped her whole district in matriculation exam. She took admission in college in pre-medical course. But yet she had the burning desire to learn English and speak English With fluency.

As it is said the all troubles came at once. The same happened to Razya as he father became ill and got hospitalized. Since they had no saved money, they needed to borrow it.

As it is said that where there is a well there is a way, likewise Razya found a way to move toward her dreams. She planned to sew clothes in the spare time to collect some money. She did not waste her much time to put this idea in practice. She went home to home and informed the people about that and got much clothes to sew. By this, she got enough money and now, she had no trouble to fulfill her educational expenses.
She was so sincere to her study in college that she was always found in college library in free periods studying different books related to her course. Her hard work resulted soon as she got her exam result. She had passed her intermediate exam with first position and got a medical seat with fully-funded scholarship.
Now the luck also surrendered in her insurmountable will. During the period of medical study, Razya had improved her English with the help of her friends and at the end of the course; she was excellent with English language.
Soon she was talk of the town as she had topped the medical college and became a medical officer in her city.
Today, she is living in her beautiful home with her family. It is true that on one break your believe except you.
___4___                                                     Nazia peerbakhsh C.E.L.C                                                                                         

Munir Ahmed Badini

     Munir Ahmed Badini
It is widely known that Munir Ahmed
Badini is one of the shining novelist of Baloch nation. Who was born in a small village of shareef khan, Noshki in 1953 he belongs to badini tribe of rakhashni balochi.
His beloved father name was Shahnawaz Badini. He got his early education in his native place boys high school and achieve his degree in arts at the Degree College in Quetta.
He served as secretary of fisheries of the government of Balochistan from 1994 and 1998 to 1999. In 1997 He became the principle secretary to chief minister of Balochistan there services the thing that services the thing that made him widely famous is his writing. He is a great novelist and the other of many balochi books. He also has he brnrr to wrke the most number of Balochi novels surely, his everlasting contribution ro balochi language and literature will always be remembered.
                Rizwana Basher  C.E.L.C

Monday 26 January 2015

The Baloch culture and its beautiful tradition

     The Balochi culture and its beautiful tradition
Baloch culture is opposite to the general perception about it though Balochistan is an area barren lands deserts, and mountains. The balochi culture is full of tradition arts and crafts the people who live in Baloch tribe speak Balochi. Balochi is very old language. Tts roots are traced bank to Iranian branch of indo European family. In balochi culture marriage are very different unique and tremendous, mirage are according of Islamic principles in presence of Mullana along with the presence of witness. Every member of family takes part in this progress they express their joy and happiness together.
The marriage consisted of seven days like, Julbandi, dozoki, inhiband e shap, nika , mobarki, and chakkar e nak e roch.
People express there joy and happiness together.
Balochi dresses are very different from other nation dresses because they sew the clothes by hand thus they are different famous, expensive and very beautiful like kappok , bibi e tick, jalyar e nal , arif e chader , subzu , bharok ,katoka nal are very pretty and famous dresses. Female dresses are consisted of a shirt and a big pocket and a chaddar is taken to cover head and shoulder.
Usually baloch people have meals in morning they eat wheat, millet and rice. some famous balochi dish are butt o mush, hap pusk, fish, changal  jega, are very famous  dishes of Balochistan.
Sport \Popular games include chauk , ji eashgadage ,choka e, card games 
The baloch celebrate there balochi culture day on 2nd march.                                                                                       Salman GR C.E.L.C                            

Sunday 25 January 2015

I love to read

I love to read.
Give me pen let me think
in the light I write.
                                                                                                   What is good! what is bad?
 In the light I write.
There is a line which is white.
I wants to write for girls rights.
Give me one lion let me one time.
I will show you! how am I?
Give me pen let me thank
In the light I write.
                                                  Imran GR C.E.L.C      

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